A Receptionist's Dream - Source Creative Office Interiors
A large and high-end reception area fit for any company needs or visitors.

Colliers Couches - Source Creative Office Interiors
Colliers has a variety of comfy chairs and white chairs and couches, across their office space.

Colliers Chairs - Source Creative Office Interiors
Colliers worked with Source COI to form a collection of great pieces with personality for their office space.

Filing Needs - Source Creative Office Interiors
This setup is great for an HR person, or particularly, someone in accounting who has to store a larger volume of records.

Tucked Away - Source Creative Office Interiors
The cubicles at Colliers offer great privacy, with added dividers, and a large volume of desk and accessory space within the walls.

Aisles and Tiles - Source Creative Office Interiors
Nothing like the classic look of a tile ceiling, with natural aisles formed by the arranged work stations.

Discounted Furniture - Source Creative Office Interiors
Discounted furniture can be utilized for stations like these. More generic setups, that are still highly efficient and look great, but easy to setup and place together.

Custom is Key - Source Creative Office Interiors
Shopping at your local furniture stores will only keep you within the options available locally, whereas online consultation and shopping opens your furniture purchase options significantly.

Rooms with Views - Source Creative Office Interiors
Colliers’ offices also come with gorgeous city views. The lines and look of the city are matched by the in-office decor, especially in terms of color coordination.

Sharp Stools - Source Creative Office Interiors
Colliers made a great choice in their stool selection.

Collection of Seating - Source Creative Office Interiors
This office boasts a larger selection of custom and discounted furniture pieces. All work together to complete the space’s feel, and working with Source COI helped to open the design possibilities.

Company Slogan - Source Creative Office Interiors
The company’s slogan is also on display, right in front of a countertop and custom office stools.