Geosyntec Reception Area - Source Creative Office Interiors
Geosyntec’s reception area also has a high-end reception desk and task chair. These is also comfy office furniture for guests with surrounding office artwork. The area also comes with office plants and plant life.

Geosyntec Conference - Source Creative Office Interiors
Geosyntec has a sleek conference room with branded sign and motivational quote. The high-tech conference room also comes with comfy executive office chairs. The table is longer and can fit a larger size team.

Custom Workstations - Source Creative Office Interiors
The workstations in Geosyntec’s office also have office desks spread across the area. Each area comes with task chairs, and dividers between the work areas. This is perfect for enough privacy, but still open to promote any collaborations amongst the office space.

Retro Booths - Source Creative Office Interiors
The dining area also is fitted with retro booths, lounge chairs, and comfortable office pieces. The whole space is very open and provides a variety of office spots to lounge, chat with, review materials, and host clients at.

Geosyntec - Source Creative Office Interiors
The offices at Geosyntec come with comfy colorful seating. The kitchen area is a prime example and has a variety of lounge seats, stools, tables, complete with drop rugs.

Private Office - Source Creative Office Interiors
Geosyntec has a private office too, with an L-shape desktop and back drawer. The area also above office shelf units, storage space, and an executive chair.

Office Kitchen - Source Creative Office Interiors
Geosyntec’s dining area is full of colorful office furniture pieces. They create a more inviting atmosphere, especially with the area rugs throughout the space too. The whole office area flows and can suit most any need.

Dividers - Source Creative Office Interiors
Dividers can come in a variety of shapes and means, pending the use of the employee. These dividers help to block and section of their respective workspaces while still blending into the office’s color scheme.

Workstation Area - Source Creative Office Interiors
Geosyntec places their workstations side by side, while allows them to maximize space use. The areas come with an L-shape area and connecting desktop. The dividers help to block off the connection, but leave the area open for in-office talks and collaborations.

Stools - Source Creative Office Interiors
Stools can make a difference and break up the monotony of your usual office chairs. The kitchen space at Geosynetic was a great area to place with the furniture choice and pair stools with a table island. The color scheme on the stools fits the surrounding seating, so the whole area blends in together visually.

Geosyntec Kitchen - Source Creative Office Interiors
Another photo of Geosyntec’s kitchen space. The island and stools make for a great area for anyone enjoying their lunch, a casual discussion, or even hosting office lunch-ins or invites, where guests can openly float around the island.

Tables and Booths - Source Creative Office Interiors
Geosyntec dates to be different and offer a space with tables and booths. The whole area is retro, but still feels modernist with the plant walls and casual seating. The area has such a refreshing vision it’s hard to put into words but makes sense why so many love to work here.