Greenwave Reception - Source Creative Office Interiors
Greenwave’s reception is pristine, with a large center office reception desk. The size and layout of the office space allows for a few employees to station themselves behind the desk. Also allows for options in regard to any camera, and/or security setups.

Reception - Source Creative Office Interiors
An alternative view of the reception desk, at Greenwave offices, that illustrates the textures on the surfaces of the desk, as well as the office plant life and accentuates, that breathe life into the space. The reception desk also comes with custom task chairs.

Office Lounge Space - Source Creative Office Interiors
Greenwave’s lounge space customs with office couches, custom circular end tables, office ottoman, extravagant overhead lighting, and some office reading materials. Leisure or waiting is a thing of ease in this space.

Overall Office Layout - Source Creative Office Interiors
An office collaborative space that’s across from Greenwave’s conference room. The two spots are separated by a glass pane, and both come with unique views of the city.

A Table for a Team - Source Creative Office Interiors
Greenwave has a quality table to host a larger team of individuals. The slim width and long length of the conference table allows for more team members to fit without having the table overpower the room. These office chairs are also very supportive for the back, with other ergonomic options at Source COI.

Wrap-Around Couch - Source Creative Office Interiors
The Greenwave conference room also comes with a custom couch insert. The couch wraps around the office walls and compliments the conference table perfectly. This allows Greenwave to maximize their space and fit in even more team members.

Open Office Area - Source Creative Office Interiors
Since Greenwave has an open office layout, several desk and chair setups are placed around the office. These spots are great for team members and one-on-one meetings and for reviews.

Private Office - Source Creative Office Interiors
Greenwave comes with a private office space too. This is great for managers, HR, or any employees who have private office needs.

Division Stations - Source Creative Office Interiors
Workstations that are setup side-by-side are favorable for those who wish to assign a set of tasks to a division or team of individuals to tackle.

Workstations - Source Creative Office Interiors
Greenwave comes with a variety of workstations that are setup side-by-side and back-to-back. All the employees are sectioned and can focus on their assigned office tasks. The custom office desks and seating also has great color coordination and woodcuts.

Custom Pieces - Source Creative Office Interiors
Greenwave comes with custom office pieces that really play with the shape and layout of the space. A variety of office desk space, stools, monitors, and surrounding accessories all fill the area and each spot serves a purpose.

Lunch Room - Source Creative Office Interiors
Greenwave also has a great lunchroom with custom office tables and office chairs where employees can dine. There’s also monitors, and artwork displayed on the walls.