Shelving for a King - Source Creative Office Interiors
A large shelving unit, perfect for any office management at Meritus.

Meritus Executive Office - Source Creative Office Interiors
Meritus has a beautiful and sleek executive office, with a task chair, quality desk, and plenty of shelving.

Unique Seats - Source Creative Office Interiors
Unique seating like this is featured throughout Meritus, but all blend together with ease. A testament to the design process with Meritus and Source COI.

Visitor Stools - Source Creative Office Interiors
Stools, as opposed to traditional office room seating, helps with any budget without losing much of the comfortability.

Armed and Ready - Source Creative Office Interiors
A line of workstations all paired with a task chair, and with metal arms to connect any office monitors to.

L-Shaped Area - Source Creative Office Interiors
Meritus also has a variety of L-Shaped workstations for creatives or office manager types.

Dining Stools - Source Creative Office Interiors
These office dining stools are wonderful rustic accentuates to the office space.

Office Arcade - Source Creative Office Interiors
Office arcades like this are nice for leisure, to keep the office competitive, and to add a bit of fun in the day-to-day office tasks.

Very Custom Furniture - Source Creative Office Interiors
Perhaps one of the most fascinating office setups we’ve ever seen! Area rug, teeth-like table, and lounge love seats.

High Top Table and Chairs - Source Creative Office Interiors
High top tables and stools like this help to break up monotony in typical office space setup.

Sleek Stools - Source Creative Office Interiors
These offices stools come in a sleek black.
Conference Lighting - Source Creative Office Interiors
Quality custom lighting, like this conference room lighting, helps to add personality to any space without breaking the bank. The office table and seating are typical cuts, with a popular beige, so the lighting really helps to add a visual accent.