A Colorful Waiting Space - Source Creative Office Interiors
Summit Career College offers a unique waiting room, with beautiful furniture pieces.

Custom Office Pieces - Source Creative Office Interiors
No two office pieces feel the same at this office. Yellow seats can work as either footrests or additional seating, with comfy lounge chairs all present too.

Summit Collage - Source Creative Office Interiors
This colorful collage serves as the centerpiece of the office, with the colors in it being displayed in all the furniture colors. It sits across from a receptionist desk.

Color Accents - Source Creative Office Interiors
Although the office workstations are more generic, with white desks and black chairs, this doesn’t mean they still can’t be colorful in their own way.

Discounted Stations - Source Creative Office Interiors
Source COI also has a collection of discounted furniture pieces, including stations with dividers. Discounted furniture pieces and workstations are a nice way to order more ready-made options or form quicker setups for incoming hires.

All-White Conference Room - Source Creative Office Interiors
This conference room is sharp, with a sleek white and black color scheme. The only real color present in the carpet, that also leaves a nice mosaic effect.

Matching Carpeting - Source Creative Office Interiors
The carpet pattern and color does wonders to compliment the office furniture.

National Pride - Source Creative Office Interiors
Summit Career College also shows pride in their country with a nice flag display, stationed right behind the reception’s desk.

Bold Choices - Source Creative Office Interiors
The career college is a fine example of bold furniture choices really making the space. This waiting room area holding quality furniture that can really match any decade or mood.

Cool Blue Couches - Source Creative Office Interiors
Summit Career College also has cool blue couches. A great way to calm employees or visitors.

Warm and Cool Colors - Source Creative Office Interiors
This space is great at also balancing warm and cold color palettes together.

Pop Up Areas - Source Creative Office Interiors
Spaces in the office like this feel more like a pop-up area than anything. The structure adds personality but breaks up the space visually.